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Modern Offices in Harmony with People

In today’s fast-paced world, the traditional office setup has evolved dramatically. The contemporary workspace is designed to be in harmony with its occupants, prioritizing comfort, productivity, and aesthetic appeal. One of the critical aspects of creating such an environment is choosing the right office furniture. Italian office furniture, renowned for its elegance and functionality, plays a pivotal role in shaping modern offices that cater to the needs of executives and employees alike. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of Italian office furniture, the benefits of executive office desks, and the versatility of L-shaped office desks in creating modern offices that resonate with people.

The Evolution of Modern Offices

Modern offices have transitioned from sterile, monotonous environments to vibrant, dynamic spaces that reflect the company’s culture and values. The focus has shifted towards creating workspaces that foster collaboration, creativity, and well-being. This transformation is driven by several factors, including technological advancements, changing work patterns, and an increased understanding of the impact of the physical environment on productivity and morale.

Key Elements of Modern Office Design

Flexibility: Modern offices are designed to be adaptable, allowing for various work styles and activities. This flexibility is achieved through modular furniture, movable partitions, and open-plan layouts that can be easily reconfigured.
Ergonomics: Ergonomic furniture is essential for preventing physical strain and promoting comfort. Adjustable chairs, desks, and accessories ensure that employees can maintain healthy postures throughout the day.
Aesthetics: The visual appeal of the office environment significantly impacts employee satisfaction. Modern offices incorporate elements of design that are both functional and visually pleasing, creating an inspiring atmosphere.
Technology Integration: Seamless integration of technology is crucial for modern workspaces. This includes smart desks, wireless charging stations, and advanced audio-visual equipment to support virtual meetings and collaborations.

The Role of Italian Office Furniture

Italian office furniture stands out for its impeccable craftsmanship, innovative design, and superior quality. It embodies a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, making it an ideal choice for contemporary office spaces. Here’s why Italian office furniture is highly regarded in modern office design:

Elegance and Aesthetics

Italian office furniture is synonymous with elegance and sophistication. The sleek lines, minimalist designs, and attention to detail make it a preferred choice for creating stylish and professional work environments. Whether it’s an executive office desk or an L-shaped office desk, Italian furniture pieces add a touch of class to any space.

Functionality and Ergonomics

While Italian furniture is aesthetically pleasing, it doesn’t compromise on functionality. Each piece is designed with the user in mind, ensuring comfort and efficiency. Ergonomics is a crucial consideration, with adjustable features and smart designs that promote good posture and reduce the risk of physical strain.

Quality and Durability

Italian office furniture is renowned for its quality and durability. Made from high-quality materials such as solid wood, metal, and premium upholstery, these pieces are built to last. Investing in Italian furniture means investing in longevity and reliability.


Italian furniture manufacturers offer a high degree of customization, allowing businesses to create bespoke solutions that meet their specific needs. From selecting materials and finishes to choosing the perfect dimensions, customization ensures that the furniture perfectly fits the office space and the brand’s identity.

The Significance of Executive Office Desks

Executive office desks are more than just workstations; they are statements of power and authority. These desks are often the focal point of an executive’s office, reflecting their status and style. Here are some key benefits of executive office desks in modern office design:

Command and Presence

An executive office desk exudes command and presence. Its design, size, and placement in the office symbolize the executive’s role and responsibilities. A well-chosen desk can enhance the executive’s image and influence within the organization.

Functionality and Efficiency

Executive office desks are designed to support the high demands of an executive’s work. They typically feature ample surface area, multiple storage options, and integrated technology to facilitate efficient work processes. This functionality helps executives stay organized and focused on their tasks.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Given the long hours executives often spend at their desks, comfort and ergonomics are paramount. Executive desks are crafted to provide optimal support and comfort, with features such as adjustable heights, built-in cable management, and ergonomic design.

Aesthetics and Impression

The aesthetic appeal of an executive office desk plays a crucial role in creating a professional and inviting atmosphere. Italian executive office desks, in particular, are renowned for their luxurious finishes and elegant designs, making a lasting impression on visitors and clients.

The Versatility of L-Shaped Office Desks

L-shaped office desks are a popular choice for modern workspaces due to their versatility and practicality. They are particularly beneficial for creating efficient and organized workstations in various office settings. Here’s why L-shaped office desks are highly valued:

Maximizing Space

L-shaped desks are designed to fit into corners, making efficient use of available space. This design is ideal for smaller offices or home offices where space is limited. The corner placement also helps create a dedicated work area, separating it from the rest of the room.

Enhanced Work Surface

The L-shaped design provides an expansive work surface, offering plenty of room for multiple monitors, paperwork, and other office essentials. This ample space allows for better organization and productivity, as everything is within easy reach.

Flexibility and Functionality

L-shaped office desks are highly flexible and functional. They can be used for various purposes, from individual workstations to collaborative setups. The design allows for easy separation of different tasks, such as computer work on one side and writing or meetings on the other.

Ergonomics and Comfort

The ergonomic benefits of L-shaped desks are significant. They allow for an efficient workflow by reducing the need to frequently move around the desk. This setup promotes a natural and comfortable working posture, minimizing physical strain.

Aesthetic Appeal

L-shaped office desks come in a wide range of styles and finishes, allowing businesses to choose designs that align with their office decor. Italian L-shaped desks, known for their elegant designs and high-quality materials, add a touch of sophistication to any workspace.


Modern offices are all about creating environments that are in harmony with people. The right choice of office furniture plays a crucial role in achieving this balance. Italian office furniture, with its blend of elegance, functionality, and quality, is an excellent choice for modern workspaces. Executive office desks symbolize authority and efficiency, while L-shaped office desks offer versatility and practicality.

By investing in high-quality, well-designed office furniture, businesses can create spaces that not only enhance productivity but also reflect their brand identity and values. Whether you’re setting up a home office or revamping a corporate workspace, choosing the right furniture is key to creating a modern office that resonates with people.

2024: new year and new concept of the working environment

The panorama of the office and design world is constantly evolving; new needs arise and consequently also innovations. So, on the horizon we can glimpse different office spaces that are constantly changing.
Color, natural light, comfortable office furniture, centralization of the individual: these are the new key words of companies in step with the modern era.
We are only at the beginning of 2024 and in the offices the creation of spaces dedicated to collaboration and shared creativity becomes a priority: relaxation areas and open spaces with specific furniture: height-adjustable tables, ergonomic chairs, sound-absorbing panels to minimize noise pollution, glass partition walls, sofas and armchairs. At the same time, there is no shortage of quiet and peaceful environments in which you can concentrate in silence with equipped workstations and comfortable chairs.

The colors of the walls, furnishings and objects often also help to improve work balance and attention. The color of the year for interior furniture is Peach Fuzz, a warm shade between pink and orange that reflects the desire for well-being, integration and sharing. It is the ideal color for work environments that promote both socialization and concentration.
This year, in fact, the trend is to make the working environment a pleasant place where to get inspired. Here then the colour, lighting, temperature and finishes of the furniture take on considerable importance.

Equally important is the creation of versatile layouts, which offer modular solutions, allowing you to customize the places according to your needs. The larger companies, which do not have space problems, are creating areas dedicated to the needs of workers: after-school activities, babysitting services, nurseries, gyms, relaxation areas and much more.
The individual is totally at the center of the work space which revolves around his needs. In fact, for the modern company it is essential not only to attract talents who can create productivity, but also to retain them. For this reason, it is essential to ensure a positive corporate climate, where people can feel satisfied and safe, a place that allows them to grow professionally, also through courses aimed at training and specializing each individual.

“Feeling as a busy bee”- The busy bee syndrome causes addiction, read the contraindications carefully.

Here we are, lined up towards our workstations. Flippers and goggles remain in the summer photos leaving room for backpacks, PCs, meetings and school routine. Let’s put on the clothes of transformative workers, parents, athletes, passionate creative talents and viveurs again. In this carousel of duties, commitments and responsibilities, our professional identity often coincides with our personal one and the reason is simple: we spend a lot of time at work which outlines and enhances our personal effectiveness but above all it is (Spoiler Alert!) A TOOL for live and support ourselves.

In addition to healthy snacks and headphones, we carry in our backpack the biases of capitalist society according to which it is difficult to dissociate the concept of work from that of productivity and sacrifice to replace it with that of work-rest-greater efficiency. Yet this is one of the purposes of Trainect Wellbeing which could be imagined as courageous as the “Liberty leading the people” by Delacroix in spreading the psychology and culture of well-being; on this example, the international management consultancy firm Mckinsey & Company has provided a report on company costs, claiming how much a rested employee can perform better, also ironically stating that “he who sleeps catches fish and acquires leadership”. A gamble? Or a non-sighted vision of how rest, especially at work with flexible hours, can be the turning point for a decidedly healthier and more sustainable work life balance?

This is confirmed by data from the National Institute of Health, which has estimated that in Italy the sleep deficit causes companies to lose productivity by up to 5 billion euros per year, a percentage that corresponds to 0.5% of GDP.

So how can we redeem the culture of rest without being considered lazy? In a preventive and continuous manner: “make sure to rest, before you really need to”, working by priority, allowing employees to work from home, increasing breaks, trying to adopt solutions such as “power nap or nap room” to encourage rest, preferably between 1pm and 3pm and lasting between 20 and 30 minutes. In fact, it has been demonstrated that the power-nap can constitute a sort of energy booster, improving the activities of the right hemisphere and creativity.

As a counterbalance to this context, workaholism, the concept of life centred on work, burn out and consequently moving like drunken tightrope walkers between work, passions and duties creeps in, giving rise to multitasking stuntmen. This term derives from information technology, but we are not laptops, we do not work, we are not machines, we do not produce; intentionality, thinking, choosing, deciding is what characterises us. Working in “urgency” is a trap, an illusion, not everything can be urgent, not everything can be a priority. Prioritizing makes you more aware and improves efficiency, however, this is possible when there is an underlying culture of corporate well-being. The company is not a generic entity but a sum of individuals, therefore CEOs, owners and managers must apply the “People centre” lens. The true transformation will only happen by putting people and their needs at the centre, understanding the emotional resonance that the right work pace has in their lives.

Thus, we arrive at awareness and mea culpas: we are always ready to accept English neologisms to make any initiative more sophisticated and attractive, but let us prove ourselves equally welcoming towards those initiatives that might seem strange, but perhaps necessary, let us try to welcome “courageous” solutions which characterise leading companies such as Google, Zappos, Cisco, P&G. Let’s start with small businesses because inspiration from certain working archetypes makes all the difference in the world.

Let’s restore priorities: treating work as A TOOL to buy free time, working with and for people who have full knowledge of this truth is the new revolution of which Delacroix would make a banner and perhaps he would paint that Liberty that runs hastily more relaxed.

The English expression “Busy as a bee” is interesting. Honestly, bees have always been unpleasant to me, however I recognise them as the founders of teamwork, organisation and focus on goals. We borrow these principles from them, because good choral work makes us less busy but more present and active in our human ecosystem.

Marika Lupi

Coworking: a new way of conceiving the working space

The sharing economy has led to the spread of coworking: shared workspaces where facilities and services are made available to various professionals, freelancers and companies. It’s an innovative way to bring together not only skills and talents, but also experiences and spaces.

In 2005, software engineer Brad Neuberg founded the first coworking space in San Francisco. He wanted to find a way to combine the feeling of independence and the need of working in a community-like environment with all the comforts offered by a traditional workplace.
Since then, the coworking phenomenon have been largely increasing in the United States and in Europe. In 2008 it began to spread in the main Italian big cities and in 2021 there were 779 coworking spaces throughout the national territory.

One of the main advantages of coworking is the reduction in expenses: renting a desk in a coworking space is much cheaper than renting an entire office. Furthermore, it allows to find new collaborators, to combine different ideas and projects, increasing productivity, creativity and avoiding the isolation of working from home.
Choosing to work together, even if dealing with an independent activity, means designing the office and furnishings in an organised way in order to share both the working environment and the ideas of people who are not part of the same company. Finding a comfortable workspace, with ergonomic furnishings and professional equipment that responds to the different work needs, will encourage the freelancers to come back again.

The required elements in a coworking office are open spaces, modular desks and multiple workstations, ergonomic chairs that adapt to different body shapes, Internet connection, equipment such as telephones, printers and computers, meeting rooms, lounge areas and air conditioning.

Arper, for example, contributed with enthusiasm and innovation to furnish Palazzo della Luce in Treviso, an elegant historic building that dates back to 1500. The restoration recovered the historical elements of the exteriors and enhanced the three floors that compose the interiors. Today, Palazzo della Luce is a contemporary design space that hosts offices, events and projects. A big coworking space that allows professionals and companies to meet and collaborate – without sacrificing their privacy.
The materials and pieces of furniture have been carefully chosen to best convey the message that the coworking wants to promote. Arper chairs, sofas and tables have furnished the individual spaces, meeting areas and relaxation spaces with sustainability and a totally made in Italy design.

Italian office furniture, colors and materials: the trends of 2023

For the Italian office furniture, 2023 is marked by a few key words: essentiality, order, elegance, innovation and comfort. Design calls for clean spaces, harmony and balance.
Environments are designed to give a sense of freedom, comfort and creativity, with more airy and multifunctional spaces, and furniture, such as sofas, desks and bookcases, have soft and curvy shapes.

In the working areas, the Scandinavian style, which perfectly meets the need for comfort and functionality required, is a strong trend. This style is looking for furniture with clean lines in geometries, essential and allowing collaboration between working areas.
Fundamental is the division of the open office spaces. Entering an office, in fact, it is necessary to immediately understand which areas are dedicated to socializing and relaxation versus those suitable for individual work.
This inclusive design also places great importance on light, which should be as natural or equated with it as possible.

So the “minimal” style is the quintessential furniture trend of 2023. It is a rigorous style without superfluous decoration, which prefers practical, sober and transversal furniture of refined design, arranged in a clear order, to leave freedom of movement and give ample scope to the context. The motto “less is more” triumphs in office spaces as well as home spaces.

Colors, too, make room for freshness and dynamism to create positive environments full of vitality. Popular colors include blues and greens, which are inspired by nature, or earth-toned shades to create a more sophisticated and unusual style. Warm colors and cool colors thus create plays of tone that never tire. Sharp and contrasting neutral shades, in gradations that allow to increase the brightness of the rooms, highlighting the furnishings.

As for materials, those most in vogue this year are marble, metal and glass, which provide brightness and, above all, timeless elegance.

Of course, the quality and sustainability of materials continues to be of utmost importance in the furniture of 2023. Recycled and vintage materials are widely used, and the principle of the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is followed, especially in the production methods of furniture, which should be sustainable, ethical and certified.

Comfort and sustainability in the modern enterprise

In recent years, companies have changed the way the physical office is used, giving rise to new trends.

In 2022, safety, functionality and sustainability are emerging in the Italian office design. Environments are being designed to be more flexible so as to adapt to new work standards.
According to the NBER Institute, the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research, about 70 percent of companies will permanently maintain a hybrid work environment spread during the pandemic, supporting staff working both inside and outside the office environment.

Many workers have become accustomed to working from home therefore the need has arisen to bring some of the comfort, tranquility and freedom of home to the office as well. This is when larger spaces dedicated to meeting areas, breaks and staff recreation are created in companies; the physical office remains an important reference and meeting center for employees and clients. The “lounge area” becomes the hub of the modern office: a space separated from the working area and equipped with amenities and services where employees and outside visitors can relax, but also conduct business meetings freely. In the past, this area was dedicated to waiting; now it is a welcome area with comfortable and original furniture such as lounge chairs, armchairs, and sofas.

In addition to creating alternative spaces, the modern company embarks on a path to minimize environmental impact in every respect. Consumers, too, are more vigilant in looking for companies that pay attention to their environmental and social commitment.

Sustainable design is not a futuristic concept but a reality already present in many workplaces. Reducing printer, air conditioner, and electricity use through the use of light sensors, installing automatic doors, and using automatic toilets are good remedies for reducing costs and saving energy, plus they can be important points of momentum for making changes and creating more sustainable companies. According to a study by M. Moser, careful office design can save between 20 percent and 40 percent, taking into account only heating and air conditioning aspects.
Make room therefore for furniture that uses natural materials that ensure the healthiness and mental and physical well-being of people.

New office furnishing trends

This year is full of many new trends in office furnishing, a place where people often spend a large part of their day. For this reason, it makes sense to furnish it with care in all aspects, including design accessories.

One of the aspects that is given a lot of importance lately, when deciding to furnish an office with Italian office furniture is the choice of colours, which are able to influence human moods and perceptions and make working environments more or less comfortable.
In 2022, neutral tones of natural colours that convey relaxation, tranquillity and energy are making their mark. Among these is the popular olive green used for walls and office furniture, which brings a new touch to the daily routine, gives positivity and naturalness. An alternative to green is currently soft beige, which is often used as a backdrop for more unusual furnishing elements. Blue and yellow are also trendy colours in office furniture. They create a chic and refined ambience but are also energetic and positive, conveying a lot of confidence.
Many architects who design modern offices, opt for the combination of the colour white with wood to create environments with a minimal, elegant and contemporary style!

So go ahead with neutral colours that evoke natural elements, increasing the good mood in the office and consequently the productivity levels of workers, improving attention, motivation and security. This is how being ‘green’ literally and figuratively takes hold.
The colours you choose also influence the style in which you want to furnish your office. An evergreen is classic furnishing in which furniture with strong colours is chosen to create an influential and reliable environment. The modern style, on the other hand, prefers bold or softer colours to create a minimalist and refined ambience, also using cutting-edge materials, more or less expensive, that look at industrial design, with modular furniture in dark colours and metal structures with wooden tops that are both beautiful to look at and practical to use.
Wood, metal and glass are the materials that, combined or chosen individually, give an office an up-to-date look; these materials are joined by leather for the armchairs and iron accessories, which are essential for this type of office.
Materials such as wood and glass in an office, are practical and functional, and by creating simple lines give a refined look.

Whatever stylistic trend you choose when furnishing your office, it is essential to maintain homogeneity and consistency between colours and materials. Office furnishings, which are often not considered important, must instead be carefully selected to match the furnishings and create a sense of stylistic uniformity. Among the furnishing complements that fit well with any style are the office accessories by Caimi Brevetti such as: coat hangers, baskets, umbrella stands and desk accessories, designed for collective environments that stand out thanks to a design able to satisfy different demands in terms of personal taste and use. Objects suitable for small or large spaces, with minimalist or high-impact. Then there are the glass mirrors by Fiam that create refined environments, or the extravagant vases by Serralunga in the most varied colours and shapes that make work environments energetic and welcoming.

The guarantee of Made in Italy acts as a trait d’union between the different stylistic choices. The care and perennial drive for innovation and quality materials make Made in Italy something that few would give up.

How to furnish the modern conference room

We have spent the last two years without being able to use what has always been the nerve center of an office: the meeting room. The room in which relationships are built with the team, customers or business partners, the room that frames important decisions for the company and serves as a business card, along with the reception.

Now that activities are resuming the regular course, even the meeting room is once again an important and necessary place for the office. Of course, however, the measures to be adopted have changed, we already notice this from what we see through the mass media. Meetings of political leaders, take place on precious tables but of considerable size so as to maintain important distances between the participants, impressive tables and comfortable chairs so as not to divert attention from the discussion. This is also reflected in small and large enterprises.

Meetings have always been a crucial moment for the activities of companies and they are returning strongly to be so, for this reason the meeting room should always be taken care of in every detail. Furniture through shapes and colors should have a positive effect on people.

Let’s see what are the basic elements to furnish a modern meeting room:

–  The table is the main element around which business strategies revolve. The dimensions depend on the measurements of the environment in which it will be placed. One of the new trends is the spacious table, which can allow people to be far apart from each other. It is usually placed in the middle of the room.
Other important aspects to consider for the table are: the power sources (often you connect to a computer, smartphone, and so on), the design, the materials and the finishes (there are for all styles, in wood, glass, laminate, leather, and so on) and the shape (rectangular, square, circular).

–  The chairs, must be comfortable, so that the attention does not shift to the spasmodic search for a comfortable position

Low storage cabinets for storing meeting materials

–  Furnishing accessories, which can enhance the environment and at the same time make it more comfortable. Among these the sound-absorbing panels, now available in colors and shapes of great design, which therefore combine the acoustic and decorative function; the technical office curtains for office, so that you can modulate the light when using screens and of course accessories such as coat hangers, umbrella stands, pen holders, baskets and so on.

The meeting room must therefore ensure maximum comfort, stimulate concentration and productivity, put people at ease.