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The role of Space Planning

The space planner is a corporate consultant who does rather more than merely compile data or develop a layout: once the optimum ways of using the building have been identified and the social dynamics at work inside the client firm have been fully understood, he draws up a prospectus to enable the designer to identify the best distribution solutions.

Different working styles call for different ways of organising space. Well-distributed space contributes substantially to a firm’s success, strengthening its brand and the image of it that is perceived internally.

Nowadays the office puts the accent in space squarely back on Man, who will only do his work to the best of his abilities if he feels relaxed and stimulated. His is a new style of working that calls for flexible décor solutions, with intelligently designed furnishings that respond to rather more than passing fads.

About Laura Olivieri

In charge of Sales and Customer care. Resulted-oriented individual providing a world class customer service experience.