Dear Friends,
In this Christmas season, we would like to share with you a reflection on the profound meaning of this celebration.
As Pope Francis reminds us, what we need are:
“Credible witnesses who, through their lives and words, make the Gospel visible, awakening an attraction to Jesus Christ, to the Beauty of God.”
Christmas is the opportunity to make the Essential visible—Jesus Christ—through our daily actions.
Nicolino Pompei from the Fides Vita Movement emphasizes the urgency to:
“Return to Jesus, to encounter Him, to bring Jesus back among the people, to allow the attraction to Jesus Christ to awaken again”
and further:
“To Jesus: the real one, the living one… not, as C. S. Lewis writes, ‘something that resembles Him.'”
This invitation urges us to live Christmas not merely as a commemoration, but as an opportunity to rediscover and bear witness to the living and true presence of Christ in our lives.
Even saying “Merry Christmas” or “Season’s Greetings” is not a trivial or purely formal act. It is a gift: it means wishing the true good for others, a good that is not limited to a superficial happiness, but encompasses the hope of the true joy that only the presence of Jesus can bring.
When we say “Merry Christmas”, we are really saying:
“May the peace and love of the God-made-Man fill your life and your home.”
With this spirit, the entire team at La Mercanti wishes you a Christmas filled with peace, joy, and love.
May you rediscover the essence of this celebration and bring it into your daily life, making the Essential visible in your families and communities.