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Benefits of having a glass executive desk

design glass desk Rialto

design glass desk Rialto

Whether it be a design desk or an executive-desk, we always have a wide selection of glass desks. Before deciding, it’s better to consider what are the advantages of this material compared to other materials, such as wood or plastic used for design or executive desks.

The glass desk, a statement furniture

Here’s small list of the main benefits of a glass desk :

  1. It sports a stylish, modern and sleek aesthetic
  2. You can choose tinted glasses in different colors
  3. It can be easily cleaned and sanitized
  4. The sun can not tarnish it
  5. Aside from scratches, it fears nothing, unlike a wood and plastic
  6. It’s not porous, is much more hygienic than wood since it cannot shelter bacteria on its surface if cleaned regularly
  7. If your office is in a small room, a glass desk will make it seem much larger because is transparent and allows light to pass
  8. He does not suffer the heat. So, if you put  a cup of hot coffee on your glass executive desk, you will not damage it, as would be the case for a wooden desk
  9. The glass contains no chemicals with harmful exhalations, unlike plastic or wooden desks, especially when new
  10. The glass is fully recyclable.

The cons of a glass desk :

  1. It can be scratched
  2. It can be heavy to move

And you, would you fancy having a glass desk ?

Six tips to make your office look larger

Lasmobili Enosi executive desk

Lasmobili Enosi executive desk

You find that your office is still missing volume. Let me tell you some tips that will allow you to expand your room.

Mirrors, the reflection effect

It’s almost a grandmother cure. Who, indeed , has never heard of the benefits of reflection to give volume to a room? Obviously, the  larger are mirrors, the more space is reflected. And for the same logic, the more you will reflect a large space, the greater the impression of depth. It is therefore pointless to stick a mirror in a cramped space, facing the clock of your grandmother, exactly. Install it rather in front of windows to reflect the outdoors and all its colors.

Make it empty

Sometimes, simply overloading a piece will give you a feeling of closeness. To enlarge a room , nothing better than a vacuum.

Nearly transparent curtains

In your quest for space, light is the most valuable ally. But often , we tend to overload the windows with beautiful compact tissue that filter daylight too generously. So remember to choose light and bright materials that allow the light to brighten your room. What could be clearer than white ?

The light colors illuminate

We could also start there as this principle is inviolable. The light colors expand a room and visually contrast to dark colors. It is not for nothing that it is said that the black slims. So, if ayou are to buy office furniture, choose a light colored executive desk … Besides, if you want to stay in clothing principles, we know that vertical stripes also slim. So why not opt ​​for horizontal pinstripes on your walls to visually stretch?

The lighting, a bright idea

The evening daylight will no longer be of much use. Nevertheless , good lighting also allow you to cleverly disguise your volumes. Here are some easy to implement tips:

– Install light points on the ground , which will broadcast a light to the ceiling. As for the scratches mentioned above, this will stretch your wall.

– Conversely, place bright spots over a high cabinet or behind a sideboard to create a halo of light.

– Enlighten several places to go for the ceiling spots distributed across your room rather than one bright spot. Similarly, in the room, do not hesitate to increase luminous spaces.

 Paintings or posters should have broad views

A photo of a beach with the ocean visualli widens the space more than one of Manhattan.

And you , what is your trick to enlarge a room ?

The coffee pod or capsule, new calamity for the planet?

coffee podsMaking coffee with the capsule or pod is fast and easy. Click! you turn on the machine, wait 2 minutes for the temperature LED to become green, take the pod, splot! put it in the slot, press the button, 10 seconds and… slurp! your coffee is ready!

Yes, but … I have listed six con points for your consideration:

  1. coffee temperature is rather low , if you like your espresso hot, nothing to do, you must resign yourself to drink lukewarm coffee ;
  2. pods are aluminum, so recyclable as a can of beer, the problem is coffee : how to extract the capsule used in order to recycle both the coffee and aluminum ? For the used coffee is excellent example for composting, while aluminum is one of the raw materials whose prices only rise because of their scarcity. But the main problem is that the cups are too small to be captured in most recycling facilities where machinery separates objects by size and density
  3. aluminum can contains bisphenol, causing cardiovascular problems, diabetes and possibly cancer. It is likely that most capsules contain bisphenol
  4. the upper part of the capsule is sealed with a chemical adhesive. Can we be sure that it leaves no toxic residue in the coffee?
  5. The taste is also suffering . Between a roasted coffee and a coffee capsule , the difference in taste sensation is comparable to the difference between a wine from a bottle with cork and wine from a carton …
  6. last but not least , price. A capsule costs between 40 and 50 cents. However, the cheapest arabica coffee costs 1.50 $ for 100 grams. With this amount , one can brew 20cups at less than 6 cents per cup coffee, and there is nothing to recycle.

The best thing would be to use the used coffee for composting or as a fertilizer for the plants if there is no garden.

Good lighting is essential

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