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Outdoor Furniture: Pool Furniture and Garden Furniture

Weatherproof, temperature resistant, toxic free, UV stable, fully recyclable, sustainable and exceptional in both look and feel, La Mercanti offer world of Italian outdoor furniture. Inside the research lab of our partners, a team of … [Read more]

Итальянская Офисная Мебель

Постоянный внимательный поиск новых творческих возможностей делает современным выставочным залом, предлагающим в интернете по доступным ценам эксклюзивные коллекции известных дизайнеров с заботливо отобранным ассортиментом офисной … [Read more]

Happy Easter 2010

(...) “Scimus Christum surrexisse a mortuis vere” – we know that Christ has truly risen from the dead. Yes, indeed! This is the fundamental core of our profession of faith; this is the cry of victory that unites us all today. And if Jesus is risen, … [Read more]

Mobilier de Bureau Italien & Meubles de Bureau

Il est maintenant en ligne la version française du web site de La Mercanti afin de mieux rejoindre et servir tous les marchés de langue française. La Mercanti est un acteur de l’univers du mobilier de bureau italien et à usage professionnel made … [Read more]

Ola wins the RedDot Design Award 2010

Ola wins again and doubles. After the Good Desing Award, Ola design desk also wins the RedDot Design Award and proves to be one of the project most appreciated by the community that investigates and selects, in the design world, the signs that are … [Read more]

Acoustic well being

The quality of modern restaurant services is measured through a number of different sensations: from the warmth of the welcome and the tastefulness of the décor, through to acoustic and thermal well-being. La Mercanti sound-deadening panel systems … [Read more]

5th element by Las Mobili

Fire, air, earth, water and ether are the most important natural elements for Las Mobili. From this natural concept was born the 5th Element that has already abtained the certifications UNI EN ISO 140001:2004 and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), … [Read more]

The role of Space Planning

The space planner is a corporate consultant who does rather more than merely compile data or develop a layout: once the optimum ways of using the building have been identified and the social dynamics at work inside the client firm have been fully … [Read more]